Zootopia and WildeHopps Movie Spoofs Wiki

This is a wiki for making movie spoofs centered on the 2016 Disney film Zootopia and its tie-in romantic pairing between its two main characters, Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps

Welcome to the Zootopia and WildeHopps Movie Spoofs Wiki

A spinoff of the PrinceBalto Wiki, this is a wiki for movie spoofs that primarily contain characters from the 2016 Disney film Zootopia, and also the romantic pairing of characters Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps, also known as WildeHopps, a combination of their last names.

Describe your topic

This is a wiki for movie spoofs (fanfiction redos of movies, TV shows and video games using characters other than the original ones) that contain many characters from the 2016 Disney movie Zootopia, as well as a romantic pairing between its two main characters, Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps. Other animal characters, both from Disney and outside Disney, can be used as well. There will be fanfics too.

Fanfic Stuff

I am also going to start putting my fanfic stuff here. The reason for this is it is safe here.


  • Be nice.
  • No spamming.
  • There will be character pages for the various Zootopia characters, but they absolutely will contain fanon elements.
  • No using females as males and vice versa.
  • No using villains as heroes and vice versa.
  • Any spoofs containing Nick and Judy together must depict them together in a romantic way.
  • It is ok to use the same characters in your spoof as another user.
  • Animal characters from outside Disney movies and from outside Disney are welcome.
  • You can do spoofs of Zootopia itself, just remember that the characters playing Nick and Judy must be a couple or fan-shipped.
  • If you are doing a movie spoof of a movie that has both humans and animals, using human characters is all right. Same goes if you are doing a human style spoof of Zootopia itself.
  • No inappropriate content.
  • Have fun.